Year | 2024
CL | Tainan Art Museum
AD | Chunghuai Mao
D | Chunghuai Mao, Yuhan Tseng, bodan Chen
P | Whitehand Studio
在臺南,歷史體現在日常裡,臺南當代藝術的樣貌也是,藝術家個人史與社會整體處於疊加的多重狀態,過去與未來同時存在這座歷史城市。如同 《台南當代藝術中的歷史重構與藝術社群之關係》所提及臺南當代藝術所體現的「重」其實更接近一種「疊加」狀態。 透過展名中英文字的作為主體,斷裂與打散處理文字,呈現台南當代藝術的樣貌。同時也呼應以西方的藝術主體性去審視這塊土地時,所產生的斷裂感。
In Tainan, history is embedded in daily life, and contemporary art reflects this. Artists' personal histories and society as a whole exist in multiple overlapping states, with the past and future coexisting in this historic city. The weight manifested in Tainan's contemporary art resembles an overlay. Through the use of English and Chinese characters in the exhibition title, fragmented and dispersed text presents the appearance of Tainan contemporary art. This also echoes the sense of disjunction that arises when viewing this land through the lens of Western artistic subjectivity.