
Tsng-Pút Tik-Sìng saijm

Year | 2021
CL | Tainan City Government
AD | Chunghuai Mao
D | YuTao Chou, Yuhan Tseng, Chunghuai Mao
W | Hueilun Huang
P | Whitehand Studio

The book "Tsng-Pút Tik-Sìng sai" is one of the volumes in the Tainan Traditional Crafts Series, commissioned by the Tainan City Government. "Decorating Buddha" refers to a traditional skill in the carving of deities and Buddha figures, which integrates wood carving, lacquer art, and Taoist ritual elements.

Master Tik-Sìng Sai dedicated his life to the art of Decorating Buddha. Unlike the distinctive styles of different schools, Master Tik-Sìng Sai's works personalize and modernize the Buddha nature, making them uniquely his own. Thus, in the design of this book, the theme is led by a majestic and imposing figure of the Five Poisons Emperor, turned dark and glossy from smoke exposure. This sets the tone for the entire book, with a dignified, solemn, and meticulous layout and design that runs through the whole binding and page arrangement.



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